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5 Tips and Strategies to Improve Construction Estimates (for C-Suite Executives)

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Tip #1: Standardise Processes with Building Estimating Software

Streamlining your estimating processes is essential. Implement standardised templates across various project types to minimise errors and ensure consistency. Advanced construction estimating software can further optimise this process by offering features such as:

  • Digital Takeoffs: Eliminate manual calculations (a notorious source of errors) and improve accuracy with digital tools that extract quantities directly from project plans. This frees up your team's valuable time for more strategic tasks. Here's an example: A leading construction company using digital takeoffs reported a 70% reduction in time spent on quantity calculations, allowing them to focus on cost analysis and client communication.
  • Cost Databases: Access a comprehensive library of current material and labour costs. This ensures your estimates reflect the ever-changing market realities, reducing the risk of underbidding and project losses.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate insightful reports that reveal project cost breakdowns, identify material use or labour hours trends, and support data-driven decision-making. Empower yourself to identify areas for cost optimisation and make informed bidding strategies.

Get started on the path to more accurate estimates today! Download your free construction job estimate template here.

Up-to-date cost databases ensure your estimates reflect real-world conditions, reducing the risk of underbidding and project losses. Let's explore how to effectively use historical data in today's dynamic market.

Tip #2: Leverage Historical Data for Accurate Estimates

Drawing on past project data is a valuable tool for enhancing the accuracy of your estimates. However, the current construction landscape presents unique challenges. Incorporating historical data into your estimates is invaluable, but it must be done with an understanding of market dynamics. For instance, since the start of the pandemic, home prices in Australia have surged by 39.9%, with regional areas experiencing even more significant increases. Such dramatic shifts can render historical data less reliable for current project estimates. Relying solely on outdated figures could lead to substantial underestimations, especially in areas like material costs—which have seen skyrocketing prices for resources like timber—and labour expenses, which are influenced by skill shortages and increased demand.

To learn how to avoid costly estimating mistakes, our blog post, "How Australian Owners Can Avoid 5 Costly Estimating Mistakes," dives deeper into this topic and explores other key strategies for improving construction estimates.

Learning from the past is invaluable. Keep past project data from collecting dust in your archives. Here's how to unlock its potential:

  • Organise and Analyse Historical Cost Records: Systematically categorise and analyse past project data to understand historical cost trends and project outcomes. This data becomes the bedrock for developing reliable cost models to predict future expenses more accurately. Doing so enhances the reliability of estimates and helps you set more competitive bids, increasing your chances of winning projects.
  • Construct Cost Databases: Move beyond generic databases. Develop customised cost databases that reflect your specific construction practices and local market conditions. Segment data by project type (residential, commercial, etc.) and factor in inflation and other changes over time to ensure normalised costs. Imagine having a cost database tailored to your company's expertise in building hospitals, providing a significant advantage in accuracy and relevance when bidding on similar projects.
  • Validate and Calibrate Models: Keep your cost models growing. Ensure their accuracy by validating them against actual project outcomes. This continuous improvement cycle helps you refine your estimating techniques and adapt to new market realities. Think of it as a feedback loop - constantly learning from completed projects to make your future estimates even more precise.

Tip #3: Improve Construction Estimates with Teamwork

Effective communication is the lifeblood of accurate estimates. Break down information silos and embrace collaboration:

  • Benefits of Collaborative Estimation: Collaborative estimation fosters improved accuracy through collective review, ensures a shared understanding of project scopes, enhances communication among team members, and increases buy-in from all project stakeholders. This holistic approach minimises the risk of missed project elements and ensures a comprehensive estimate.
  • Implementing Collaboration: Equip your team with the right tools. Use user-friendly, real-time collaborative platforms to facilitate seamless communication and effectively integrate feedback. Invest in clear role definitions and establish well-defined timelines for each phase of the estimating process. You ensure a comprehensive and accurate estimate by allowing ample time for review and contribution from all parties.

Fostering a collaborative environment and equipping your team with the right tools can ensure a comprehensive and accurate estimate that considers all aspects of the project. Let's take this a step further by ensuring your estimating practices stay ahead of the curve.

Tip #4: Regularly Update and Review Estimates

Update your methods and tools regularly to keep your estimating practices ahead of the curve. Stay engaged with the latest market trends, update your cost databases regularly, and solicit feedback from project teams to fine-tune your processes.

  • Real-Time Data Integration: Connect your estimating tools with real-time data sources. This ensures your estimates reflect the latest material costs, labour rates, and equipment expenses. Imagine having access to the most current market information at your fingertips, allowing you to generate estimates with unparalleled accuracy.
  • Regular Reviews and Feedback Loops: Schedule routine check-ins to assess the accuracy of estimates and make necessary adjustments. This proactive approach prevents cost overruns and enhances project outcomes. Think of it as a quality control measure, ensuring your estimates stay true to reality.
  • Dynamic Pricing and Cost Estimation: AI and machine learning algorithms can analyse vast datasets of historical project data, material costs, and market trends. This allows them to generate real-time cost predictions for fluctuations and potential risks. Imagine being able to adjust your estimates based on real-time weather forecasts or anticipated material shortages, giving you a significant advantage in competitive bidding.

Regularly updating your estimates and incorporating feedback ensures they remain relevant and competitive. Let's explore how specialised estimating software can further enhance this process.

Tip #5: Invest in Specialised Estimating Software, Like BizPrac

While robust estimating software offers significant benefits, in some cases, specialisation is key. For sectors with unique requirements, specialised estimating software can be a game-changer:

  • Tailored Functionalities: This software includes features specifically designed for different types of construction activities (e.g., road construction, bridge building, electrical installations). This translates to more precise and relevant data for your estimates. Imagine having access to industry-specific cost databases, labour productivity benchmarks, and waste reduction strategies specifically designed for road construction projects. This empowers you to create estimates with unparalleled accuracy and win more bids against competitors relying on generic software.
  • Downsides of Generic Software: Generic estimating software, while offering a broad range of features, may only cater to some of the specific needs of your construction niche. This can lead to:some text
    • Inaccurate Cost Data: Generic databases might need to reflect the nuances of your local market or the specialised materials required for your projects.
    • Limited Functionality: Features might be too general-purpose and need more depth for specific construction activities.

Introducing BizPrac: Your Partner in Estimating

BizPrac's estimating software is designed to streamline your estimating workflows and empower you to generate accurate, competitive bids. Here's how BizPrac can elevate your construction estimating:

  • Effortless Digital Takeoffs: Extract quantities directly from plans with our user-friendly digital takeoff system. Say goodbye to tedious manual calculations and hello to increased efficiency and reduced errors.
  • Up-to-Date Cost Databases: Access a vast database of current construction costs meticulously maintained to reflect regional variations and market fluctuations.
  • Actionable Reporting and Analytics: Generate customisable reports that provide valuable insights into project costs. Identify areas for cost optimisation, track project progress, and make data-driven decisions with confidence.
  • Seamless Integrations: Integrate BizPrac with your existing job costing, accounting, and payroll systems for a unified workflow. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, minimises errors, and streamlines your overall project management.

By implementing the abovementioned strategies and leveraging BizPrac's robust capabilities, C-suite executives can ensure that their construction estimates are precise and competitive. This translates to winning more bids, executing projects with enhanced financial oversight, and ultimately, driving long-term profitability and growth for your construction company.

Get started on the path to more accurate estimates today! Download our free construction job estimate template to see how it can transform your estimating process.


Construction companies can gain a significant competitive edge by integrating these strategies and fostering a culture of continuous improvement in estimating. Embrace technology, empower your team, and leverage historical data to deliver consistently precise estimates that propel your business towards success. Remember, in the fast-paced construction world, accurate estimates are not just a competitive advantage - they are the foundation for long-term profitability and sustainable growth.



We look forward to helping you to understand our software and how it can help your business to grow and be more profitable.

1800 009 970 |
Unit 8, 45-49 Commercial Drive,Shailer Park, QLD 4128



What is Bizprac and who is it for?

Bizprac is an Australian construction platform with fully integrated features built for Australian builders by experts in the industry. Our platform enables builders to run their entire business end-to-end. Bizprac has integrated major functions such as accounting, estimates, invoicing, payroll and all you need to run your business.

What features do Bizprac offer?

Our comprehensive set of key features can be found here. We've designed the Bizprac platform to uniquely cater to Australian construction companies and have included features for builder retentions, estimates with structures, digital takeoff that is powered by ExtrAXION and other features critical to a construction business. We also allow you to manage multiple projects at no additional cost.

Can Bizprac handle payroll and accounting?

Not only can we handle payroll and accounting, but we make it super easy for you! Bizprac's end-to-end accounting gives you real-time insights into your project's health, including job cost controls, estimates, timesheets and easy dashboard reporting. Our Single Touch Payroll allows you to run payroll with a click of a button and automate submissions to the Australian Tax Office (ATO).

Is Bizprac easy to use?

We pride ourselves to be a no-frills, straight to the point platform. We've also assisted and provided hands-on support to all of our clients, starting from implementation and setup to after-sales or technical support thereafter.

How does Bizprac improve construction business management?

Bizprac is here to ensure you deliver projects on time and on budget. We enable construction business owners by ensuring their project never overruns and maximizes profitability.

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What features does Bizprac offer?
Can Bizprac handle payroll and accounting?
Is Bizprac easy to use?
How does Bizprac improve construction business management?